Analyses, Testing & Studies

Swerim specialises in developing advanced testing and analyses adapted by us to suit our customer's needs. We place great emphasis on understanding our customers' requirements and on supplying usable results.

Customised testing

Our work is guided completely by our customers' needs and we endeavour to supply customised results that are usable in practice. We link test results and analyses that are performed either individually or as part of a larger study, including failure analysis and cases of damage. Our tests are performed in compliance with standards or are specially adapted to conform to the customer's wishes.

We offer mechanical, physical, rheological and thermal testing, plus analyses of metals, polymers, textiles and ceramics. Within the field of mechanical testing, our speciality is creating test programmes and developing special methods to suit the customer's specific purposes. We perform tests in which we adapt loading, speed, temperature and environment.

Property analyses

Within materials, surface analysis and microscopy, we study the way chemical composition, microstructures and the surface's properties influence the end-properties of different materials and the way these can be improved. We can find out about composition for most materials, from main components to micro-levels. We also analyse pollutants and search for the causes of different problems, such as crack formation in the material. Our microscopy lab makes it possible to portray and analyse complex materials right down to nano-level.

Other areas in which we lead the field include laboratory and field testing of corrosion, development of methods of non-destructive testing, geometry assurance and measurement.
