Metals powders

The use of metal powders in manufacturing of various products has many benefits. We can help you develop new powders and chose the right manufacturing methods that match your needs.

Metal powder is a great option for the manufacture of products that need to meet demands such as: 

  • High purity
  • Specific material compounds
  • Faster manufacturing
  • Efficient use of resources with low wastage

Developing new metal powders

We can help you with specific parts and/or the entire chain of development – from the design and manufacturing of metal powders to analysis and verification. With our manufacturing equipment you can produce new types of metal powders in a cost efficient way, through small test batches (charges), without interrupting your current stream of production.

If needed we can also provide you with a thorough analysis of your powder and help balancing demands on flow properties, purity, distribution of particle size etcetera, in order to reach the desired quality. We work with most metallic materials although iron- and nickel based are the most common.

Manufacturing with metal powders

Metal powders can provide an advantage when you want to use materials that are difficult to manufacture with conventional methods, for example casting. We can help you choose the optimal manufacturing method suitable to your objectives, for example:

  • Additive manufacturing (3D printing)
  • Hot isostatic pressing (HIP)
  • Metal injection moulding (MIM)
  • Pressing and sintering

Standards and member programmes

In collaboration with industry companies, we develop methods to test the quality of powders and powder manufactured products. We also develop industry standards.

Would you like to keep up to date with the forefront of metal powder technology? Join our member programme “Powder Metallurgy” with the possibility of participating and steering the research focus towards purposes useful to your industry. We are also the coordinator for the Swedish Arena for Additive Manufacturing of Metals, increasing competency within the area of 3D printing of metals for Swedish industry.  

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