Studiebesök av Stålakademins doktorandnätverk
Stålakademins doktorandnätverk besökte den här veckan metallforskningsinstitutet Swerim i Stockholm, en upplevelse som inte bara erbjöd inblick i forskningsvärlden men också möjligheten till värdefullt erfarenhetsutbyte och nätverksbyggande.

"It's always exciting to meet new researchers and present our research and the close collaboration we have with the industry," says Tania Irebo Schwartz, Head of Production Technology at Swerim.
A late afternoon filled with inspiring lectures, a guided tour through Swerim's labs, and networking. The visit concluded with a joint dinner.
"My hope is that the meeting gave all participants a unique opportunity to hear about research that creates industrial benefits and an understanding of Swerim's contribution to a sustainable future," says Tania Irebo Schwartz. Perhaps the visit can spark curiosity for a career in research after completing doctoral studies among those who participated.