
Pris för årets överlämning
Genombrott inom tillverkning av kylda stål: Projekt ”Önskade arbetsvalsegenskaper för maximal prestanda vid varmvalsning av plåt (DemRoll)” fick pris för årets överlämning vid Metalliska Materials årliga programkonferens.
Congratulations to Hans Magnusson (Swerim) and project partners Thomas Rasmussen (Union Electric Åkers), Jonas Lagergren (SSAB Special Steels), and Stefan Wahlund (Union Electric Åkers).
The project aimed to increase the productivity in plate rolling mills through the development of new work roll concepts. With increased resistance to cracking and improved wear resistance, longer rolling campaigns can be made.
The motivation reads: The DemRoll project was completed in 2023 and has taken a concept all the way from thermodynamic alloy design to industrial application. The first trial melts of 120 g were further developed into centrifugal casting of a 40-ton roll which was then tested in a rolling campaign with more than 110km rolled plate. The results were considered so interesting that the usage continued after the project had ended.
The project is funded by Vinnova through Metalliska Material, with great support from Jernkontoret Rachel Pettersson.