Termomekanisk simulering
För att säkerställa tillförlitlighet hos elektronik redan på konstruktionsstadiet är termomekanisk simulering ett allt viktigare verktyg. Swerim erbjuder kompetens och tjänster inom termomekanisk simulering.
The method is crucial for enhancing knowledge about thermomechanical mechanisms and understanding where and how failure mechanisms can affect electronic hardware.
Preventing Faults and Cracks
In modern electronics, such as in plastic-encased components, a variety of materials are used with significantly varying thermal expansion coefficients. During the manufacturing process and under use, especially in demanding operating environments, the surfaces between, for example, the silicon wafer and encapsulating plastic, are subjected to strong mechanical stress.
How Can We Assist You?
By using thermomechanical simulation, one can predict faults and imminent cracks that, in the worst-case scenario, could compromise the electrical function.