Stainless materials are often a prerequisite in harsh environments. As a participating companies of Stainless you get access to the latest research and are able to participate in development projects benefiting your business.
Stainless steels and nickel-base alloys are designed to withstand aggressive environments, sometimes in combination with complex loads. In the research consortium Stainless we focus on the entire product chain. Typical processes studied are annealing, welding, forming and high temperature corrosion.
Participating companies have access to support with failure analyses as well as access to Swerim laboratories. In addition, you will be a part of an extensive network, where both manufacturers and users of stainless materials participate. Several research projects are set up within the programme and we arrange an annual seminar and a members’ day.
Lab equipment
Swerim’s lab facilities covers most needs in research of corrosion and stainless materials. Tests can be carried out at our field stations or in our laboratories. Our testing capabilities include:
- Wet corrosion
- High temperature corrosion
- Non-destructive testing
- Advanced metallography
- Chemical analysis
Would you like to participate?
Please contact us if you would like to participate companies or if you have any questions.