Oskar Karlsson vid datorn

Metallography and microanalysis

A research consortium for research and development of new and existing methods within metallographys.

Swerim has extensive equipment and competence within metallography and microanalysis methods. In close collaboration with Swedish industry, we develop existing and new methods for increased competitiveness.  

Participating companies get access to a wide network of metallographists and researchers within the steel-, metal- and engineering industry. Together, we carry out research aiming to find and develop methods that create direct benefit. 

We monitor the development of methods within metallography and gather new knowledge.  

Increase your knowledge and competitiveness

Our research partly results in standardised methods, but also produces solutions to our members’ specific challenges. In addition to an extensive network and access to research projects we provide you with:

  • competitive intelligence
  • courses, seminars and conferences
  • standardised models

Our equipment

In our research laboratories we have access to a wide range of advanced equipment and analysis methods such as:

  • High-resolution electron microscope with updated analytic abilities within microanalysis.
  • FEG-TEM with SDD-EDS and EELS spectrometer.
  • FEG-SEM with EDS, EBSD and WDS.
  • Metallographic microscope
  • Confocal microscope
  • Macro and micro hardness
  • X-ray goniometer for phase and texture analysis, analysis of residual stress and thin layers.
  • Mechanical testing in-situ in SEM (nanoindenter and tensile test)

Sample preparation

Our test-labs are also well equipped for sample preparations. We can help you with polishing and etching as well as ion polishing and ion etching. Additionally we can prepare samples with different types of coatings such as carbon, gold, platina, nickel, aluminium (AL203) etcetera.

In addition to our own competency and equipment we can provide you with contacts offering FIB, TOFS-SIMS, XPS, Nano-hardness, Auger, SPM, APM and µ-LA-ICP-MS.

The research consortium  Metallography and Micro Analysis (META) is also a part of the research consortium : Steel and metal research.

Would you like to have moore information?

Please contact us if you have any questions.

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Participants 2022

  • ESAB
  • Forsmarks Kraftgrupp
  • Gestamp HardTech
  • Gränges
  • Hydro
  • Outokumpu
  • Scania
  • SAAB Kockums
  • SSAB Europe
  • SSAB Special Steels
  • Studsvik Nuclear
  • Uddeholms 


  • Jönköping University, Materials and Manufacturing
  • KTH, Materials Science and Engineering