The research consortium Low Alloy Steel and Casting covers a wide field within steel manufacturing processes, focussing on casting and solidification, thermo-mechanical processes and properties, cold rolling and annealing.
Stay updated on the latest knowledge of steel manufacturing. We carry out research and develop new techniques, methods and products aiming to create instant benefits for the industry, as well as gather and build knowledge, to increase our members’ international competitiveness.
Our research
It is our members that set the goals for our research projects. Together, we solve shared challenges through efficient research set-ups. Examples of our research are:
Casting and solidification
- Process optimisation of continuous casting and ingot casting.
- Development of mould powders and their functions.
- Characterisation of solidification and thermal properties.
- Modelling and simulation of continuous casting and ingot casting
Thermo-mechanical processes and properties
- Development of thermo-mechanical processes.
- Mapping of relationships between alloys, processes, microstructure and properties.
- Development of physical models.
- Studies on weld ability and welding methods for ultra-high strength steel.
Cold-rolling and annealing
- Process development and optimisation of process parameters for desired steel properties.
- Product development of cold rolled and annealed products
- Mapping of relationships between alloys, process, microstructure and properties.
- Development of models for structure development during annealing processes.
Test equipment
Participating companies get access to advanced laboratories, simulation equipment and the expertise of our researchers. We provide, for example:
- Solidification studies.
- Thermal conduction of metals, liquids and ceramics.
- Gleeble for simulation of continuous casting, hot rolling, annealing and welding processes.
- Phase transformation studies with dilatometer.
- Furnaces for annealing studies.
More information
Please contact us if you have any questions.