Researcher in front of computer

Computational Tools for Alloy Design

A forum for users of thermodynamic and kinetic calculations for process and alloy development.


The research programme Computational Tools for Alloy Design is a forum for companies using thermodynamic and kinetic calculations for process and alloy development.

We carry out research towards applications defined by our participating companies. Using our combined resources we solve mutual challenges. Examples of research projects are:

  • The impact of sintering atmosphere on oxides in sintered steel
  • Prediction of the amount and type of carbides and nitrides in steel.
  • Impact of manufacturing process and heat treatment on microstructures.


As a participating company you will have access to Swerim’s expertise in computational methods, in database development, and in experimental investigations. We carry out research in the form of projects partly financed by companies. Our research is mainly focussing on:

  • Development of experimental information (equilibria and kinetics)
  • Development of thermodynamic and kinetic databases 
  • Application of computational tools for alloy development.

Financing and partners

In addition to participating fees, development projects are funded by national programs, RFCS projects and internal state funded projects, as well as commissioned research and other industry contributions. We also collaborate closely with KTH Materials Science and the international CALPHAD-group, in order to access and take part in development initiatives outside of Sweden.

All participating companies are invited to a yearly seminar.

Already a participating companies ? - log in

Are you already a participating company? Log in to the project page here